Urban Regeneration In China

833 Words4 Pages

Urban regeneration in China has become a vast topic and has drawn attention worldwide. But, first what is urban regeneration? Urban regeneration entails the demolition of structures, relocation of people and businesses and the use of resumption or eminent domain (government purchase of property for public purpose) as a constitutional mechanism to take private property for city-sponsored development projects. It includes the renewal of rural areas and result in urban sprawls and help deal with overpopulation or traffic jams as an example. Throughout this paper I will explain my understanding of some critical issues in China’s recent urban regeneration policies that include the cause and effect of communities, and their residents economic …show more content…

That is also facing the same challenges as these cities. Some of the issues and discussions that are made in urban regeneration in China involves mixed interests and affiliations by three main different parties. Which are: government, developers and urban residents. The main goal is to fix the problems between government and public involvement, while maintaining the high economic growth rates and at the same time keeping the government legitimate and fair. The government has two primary reasons which influence urban regeneration in cities and their developers. Which are; the benefit to general economic development from urban regeneration, and financial and political inter-governmental relations between local and central governments in …show more content…

“People normally have no idea about exactly when the demolition and relocation will commence even if they have ben informed of the regeneration plan from various channels.” (He and Wu, 2005;16) Because of this unbalanced power structure, and the constant clash between urban residents and government removal processes. Urban regeneration has become on of the most investigated issues in China. Bringing national and international media attention. That constantly accuses China for unfair compensation and the displacement of residents and low levels of public involvement and decision making in the process of urban regeneration plans. Although many policies have been set in motion to fix issues like these, there is still a uncertainty to its success. Guangdong has come up with ideas, that may solve these problems. So they developed policies and plans that intend to remedy the unfair problem between government and urban residents for urban redevelopment. The policy involves both parties to