Use Of Technology In Ayn Rand's Anthem

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Throughout the book Anthem, by Ayn Rand, the society in which Equality lives in is limited on the use of technology, forcing them to use other supplies such as candles for light. Although society today is not use to this type of life style, when comparing the two, it is still visible that both life styles are acceptable. This implies that even without such high end technology a society can still function with minor changes, rapid technology progression, and events to hint to society what lies in their future.
When thinking of technology, words come to mind such as fast and efficient, but when thinking of technology primitive, those adjectives start to change. Today’s society has adjusted to technology in ways that make it hard to think of the circumstances without the privilege of technology. The effect of this creates a strict order that can be used as the “right way of living.” Before putting in the variable of technology the same thing happens, only there is just one “way of living.” That’s where they needed a minor change because although their system of running the society was functional, it wasn’t fair. Technology could’ve helped sooner by taking …show more content…

In this case the beginning is a world without technology, but once discovered everything changes rapidly. This compares to a snow ball in that it can be hard to create but once it is started, the further discovery and creation keeps rolling. This is true due to the fact that humans are always looking for an easier and more efficient way of living, but in order to do so they must be cooperative. In a strong, functional society everyone must come together as one so that things can be accomplished and agreed on. Before technology, Anthem’s society was agreed on but only by certain people, the World Scholars. Although this is comparable to today’s society they did not take the other men’s opinion into account, making their system only acceptable, yet still in need of a