Using Differentiated Instruction To Variance Among Learners In The Classroom

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Differentiated instruction is a way for teachers to respond to the variance among learners in the classroom. Placing students in small groups helps vary teaching in order to create the best learning experience possible. In differentiating instruction content, process, products, and learning environments are affected. An example of differentiating content is placing students in groups for buddy reading. Process differentiating helps when providing interest centers that encourage students to explore different aspects of the lesson being taught. Product differentiating would be using rubrics to match varied skill levels. Another way to use differentiated instruction would be to provide materials that would reflect different cultures and home settings, therefore students would feel more comfortable.
The best way for a teacher to get acquainted with students would be to play a game, which would serve as an icebreaker. This is a great way for students to build …show more content…

Hasbro’s classroom practices doesn’t allow students to interact much. She also delivers instruction by lecturing which is teacher-centered. Teacher-centered instruction is typically used with whole group instruction. Students that prefer different learning styles and skills are not accommodated. Students are also not able to improve their grades if they failed a test. Sometimes students need more time to understand the subject better. All students learn in different ways. Receiving a zero on one assignment can drop a student’s grade tremendously. Grouping students based on the previous year’s achievement doesn’t encourage the students. Students should be able to switch group, this is a way for students to learn from each other. Previous scores are not accurate based on what they have learned in the year. The bonus points that are giving would not be a representation of how well each student has grasp the concept. Test days should be alternated throughout the week which would help them prepare for each