Using Evidence To Support The Theory Of Evolution

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Evidence utilized to support the theory of evolution is provided in sources which include: 1) modern day examples of evolution; 2) the fossil record; 3) homology; 4) biogeography; and 5) molecular evidence (Daempfle, 2016). In this paper, four of the provided sources will be discussed in no specific order. Modern-day evolution provides evidence which shows that species evolve differently while in different environments, whereas different species evolve similarly when exposed to the same type of environment.

As evolution usually occurs slowly over many generations of life history, it is important to know that evolution is a population concept rather than an individual concept. Evidence within modern-day evolution includes common ancestry …show more content…

Geologists are able to track characteristic of populations that change slowly over time or rapidly by examining fossils. Some changes are notably slow enough that they are measured in eons. Therefore, Geologists are able to inspect the fossil layers of the Earth, in order to review the fossil evidence for evolution that supports Darwin’s predictions regarding changes in a species over time (Daempfle, 2016). In addition, fossil records show that prokaryotes did precede all other life and that animal classes developed in the predicted taxonomic ways, consist with Darwin’s theory (Daempfle, …show more content…

Thus, Darwin surmised that a species would have characteristics similar to those of their common ancestor. Scientists have studies homologous structures that have shown through analysis of the fossil record, that Darwin was correct (Daempfle, 2016).

Bones such as the thigh bone or femur were determined to have the same general shape and relatively similar size in various species: whales, humans, birds, and bats, for example. Often, evolution does not change the design in its entirety as life is efficient and it design persists in many species (Daempfle, 2016). In addition, vestigial organs and embryos are also found across different species, further indicating a sign of common ancestry (Daempfle, 2016).

Perhaps the strongest pieces of evidence associated with evolution are molecular evidence (Daempfle, 2016). All organisms have the same genetic to carry out life functions. In addition, the central dogma defines the common on characteristic found in all living species (Daempfle,