Using Wevideo: The Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin

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Using Wevideo was a very creative and innovative way to analyze the text: The Story of an Hour, by Kate Chopin. It made the project more interesting and fun, rather than an ordinary analytical paper. Before this project, I had some prior knowledge on the oppression of women. I had learned about it through the news, but mostly through this year’s English class. We have looked at multiple articles, speeches, stories, etc. that deal with the topic of women’s oppression. Putting this project together and spending a lot of time dealing with topic has shown me a new light on this issue. It has shown me how real and severe it is, and without doing this project in a fun away i might have not seen it in this way. In order to do this project I had to do it in many steps. Following the directions, I made an outline of my vision for the video, I collected data from the story as well as from two outside sources that pertained to the topic, I gathered images and described them, I made a basic layout on Wevideo which included the background music, the images, and lastly I added the data and the finishing touches such as the background effects and image transitions. …show more content…

I realized that in the claim statement i needed to include the name of the story along with the author and I had forgotten about that part. I also noticed that some of their presentations related to today’s society more than other. I should have focused more about how it impacts society today in my presentation rather than just analyzing the text and the outside sources. I also saw that my presentation had more color, fonts, and visual transitions than the others and I thought I did a good job on