Utaboopians Lack Taboo Terminology In Their Speech And Culture

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There are multiple contributing factors as to why the Utaboopians lack taboo terminology in their speech and culture. My personal hypothesis as to explain this phenomenon consists of various elements including the biological make up of their brain, the education for their offspring, and the interpersonal relationships within their culture. Although the Utopian people appear in all physical forms to be identical humans, the likely hood of their biological DNA model matching the humans of earth, is unlikely. Evolutionarily, they did not experience the same circumstances that the humans of earth did. The gene pool of this population would be specific to their species due to natural selection over the course of their existence. Because of their …show more content…

The objective of the observational study is to test if the Utaboopians have the ability to understand and integrate taboo language into their culture. The study would extend over the course of three decades, or until the selected generation’s offspring begin to verbally communicate. A team of researchers would have direct control over the education of the experimental group beginning during their infantile stage until they reach 25 years of age, when their brain is fully developed. Through the course of their development, the educators would introduce the topic of sexual intercourse but indicate that discussion of this topic is “wrong” to discuss with peers. During other sectors of their education, when the subject of sex is pertinent, e.g., science class discussing evolution, the educator will use euphemisms interchangeably with “sex”. Observations will be made on the experimental group’s ability to mimic and utilize the euphemisms during other occurrences over the course of the study. They will be taught that fuck is a dysphemism for the act of sex, thus, forming a greater extent to the level of taboo of the subject matter and associated words. Nearing the final stages of the study, an interview will be conducted with the experimental group. During which, sexual intercourse will be the topic of discussion, included will be all euphemisms and dysphemism. By attaching the Utaboopians to an electroencephalogram (EEG) or running an MRI scan, the research team would be able to detect the brainwave patterns and the areas of the brain that become active when exposed to the new taboo topic. Additionally, a post-mortem dissection of the Utaboopian’s brain, specifically searching for the amygdala and limbic system, may be preformed to identify if their brain structure is identical to the brains of humans on earth. Through these research tests, we would be