Disadvantages Of Verbal Information Essay

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Overall, verbal information is the common type of information used in Apple and in other businesses across the world because this information is mainly speech to transfer information from the business to customers. Linking to Apple, this business uses verbal information in all their retail stores across the world because it is the most efficient way to communicate to internal or external stakeholders. This business uses verbal information such as face to face in meetings, interviews or etc as it is a quick technique to communicate with customers or employees because it would save time and would be easy to understand each other. This type of information can benefit this business internally or externally as it would motivate employees and the business, external stakeholders when interacting face to face. Verbal information is useful in Apple and other businesses because it can be one on one discussion where the problem can be addressed and dealt directly.
Advantages for this information would be that it is broken down using speech which makes it easy to understand, it can be repeated if required, so the customers or receiver can understand it properly. Another advantage for face to face information would be that it would be the easiest and best way to transfer or receive ideas because it could be explained in detail. Using verbal information …show more content…

Another disadvantage could be there are no record of when a sales advisor interacts with employee then there may be no record of the conversation because it has occurred orally/verbally. This can influence on the business negatively because if a customer purchases a product which does not meet their needs and has no memory of the conversation which had taken place between them and sales advisor then it is a