Verizon Industry Analysis

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Verizon Communications Inc. is one of the major players in U.S. telecommunication industry, by primarily providing customers with local and long-distance telephone services, internet access and digital TV services. It operates under two business segments: Wireless and Wireline. According to IBISWorld, Verizon takes up 37.9% and 23,1% of the U.S. market share in these two main areas it covers. From the company’s annual report, its wireless business generated about 70% of total revenues in 2015, with a rapid growth in past five years. With the technological change and strong demand for wireless, Verizon’s revenue generated from wireline business only took a small percentage in 2015.

Reported by Yahoo Finance, Verizon Communications …show more content…

Besides cash and bonds, we would like to invest American stock market due to its high profit, in the next five years, internet industry, biopharmaceutical industry, electric cars industry are expected to be the engine of America economy. We are going to separate our investment into these three industries and select the most promising company in each industry.

Overview of biopharmaceutical industry
IBISWorld estimates that Global Biotechnology industry revenue will increase at an average annual rate of 3.7% over five years to 2016, to reach 322.6 billion dollars. Revenue is expected to continue to grow through 2016, with a 3.4% increasing during the year. Global investor confidence has yet to recover to its precession levels, thereby subduing revenue growth somewhat, and easing fuel prices in recent years have tempered the biofuels craze to a degree. Global investment in R&D has grown consistently recent years, however, with much of this funding funneled into medical biotechnology development aimed at providing better care for the aging global …show more content…

CELG is a leading company in biopharmaceutical industry focus on research and designing medicine for curing cancer, phlogosis and immunological diseases. Its market value rank no.3 in the whole world’s biopharmaceutical business with 80 billion dollar. CELG will continue to dominate the MM curing market. Its product Revilimid takes up 63% of the revenue with the amount of 5.8 billion dollar.
In biopharmaceutical industry, there are two types of company, the first kind is the company like CELG, Gilead, Genetech, they focus on research and development, the second kind is like valenant, focus on search and development, Valenant didn’t invest money on research of medicine, they just bought the other company’s medicine. Valenant market value ever reached 100 billion, but this mode cannot keep for long time and the Valenant’s market value is only 7.9 billion. The CEO of CELG knows the importance of doing research and keeping being