Veteran Crisis Line

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Veteran Crisis Line. The Veteran Crisis Line is a hotline created for veterans and their friends and family members as an initiative in the prevention of suicides among the veteran population. The Veterans Crisis Line is staffed by suicide and crisis prevention counselors who take calls from veterans, friends of veterans, and concerned family members. This crisis line is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Since its inception in 2007, the Veterans Crisis Line has taken more than 650,000 calls and claims to have saved more than 23,000 lives (McCarl, 2013). Targeting Risk Factors. Bruce (2010) states that “from a public health perspective, the ideal target for suicide prevention is a risk factor that is strongly in association with …show more content…

OEF/OIF veterans report relationship problems among those that exhibit suicidal behaviors. Studies have shown that increased social supports, such as being married and having a sense of purpose and control, decrease suicidal behaviors (DeBeer et al, 2014). It has been recommended that clinicians should assess perceptions of social support when working with veterans. Clinicians should move beyond the standard risk factors, such as PTSD and depression, and “address the role that life crisis play in triggering suicidal behavior” (Kaplan et al, 2012). Interventions that focus on good relationships will help tremendously in averting a suicidal …show more content…

This fear often creates barriers to those seeking care. Many veterans returning from war do not want to seek help from the VA or other mental health facilities for fear that others may see them as weak and helpless. Fanning & Pietrzak (2013) report that 60% of older male veterans currently have suicidal ideations and are not receiving mental health treatment. “Rural agrarian culture values, which champion a strong work ethic, independence and self-reliance, may inhibit treatment seeking behavior (McCarthy et al, 2012). In 2007-2008, approximately 36% of VA patients lived in rural areas (McCarthy et al, 2012). Elevated suicide rates among veterans in rural areas have been associated with risk factors such as geographic isolation, economic and social distress, and rural culture. Veterans living in rural areas have reduced access to health services that the VA has to offer. Rural areas also limit opportunities for social integration and social support, thereby increasing the risk for suicide among these veterans.
Improvement for Veteran