
Video Games Persuasive Essay

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Dear Mr Stephen King,
I am writing to argue that violent video games should not be sold to people under the age of supported age of the game. It can be arguable that they should not be sold to the buyer who is underage. It also matters on the type of game and the age of the gamer.
It is well known that most of the gamers are in fact underage, but how do they get the games? Obviously the under aged gamers get their parent, guardian or older brother to purchase the games wanted for themselves. It is evident that this happens because if you have ever played the game “Call of Duty” you can see that the players are underage and in the age limit 11-16. Clearly the rule HB 1423 of not being allowed to buy games underage is in fact quite pointless and rather stupid; obviously 17 year olds are allowed to watch 18 rated movies …show more content…

For example the famous Nintendo DS Game “Brain Training” is educational and can help you teach all parts e.g. Literacy, Maths and Science. In Manchester a mother of two homes schools her two children and makes them learn by playing video games such as “Brain Training”. She describes it as “very educational and can help them get a good job in the future”. Naturally I disagree that this will get them a good job in the future. This is because for almost any job you need good grades and decent qualifications for an average job, if they are sat at home playing video games then they will get nowhere in life.
Overall some games aren’t violent at all and do not have any nude or pornographic scenes but still have an age limit of say 7/12+. Personally this is quite stupid, for example “Harry Potter – Lego Edition” is age rated 7+, and this means that you have to be over the age of 7 to play this game. The violence in this game is miniscule and the only violence in it is that when you kill someone Experience (XP) comes out of them (This indicates blood; which can be violent in some

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