Video Summary: The Impact Of Poverty On Children

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The biggest impact that the video left on me is seeing that families being in poverty has the biggest effect on their children, which is heartbreaking and very eye opening. I believe that children should have the best care and growing up conditions as possible; however, a family in poverty will not be able to provide as well for the child as an upper class family. Proper nutrition and education is critical for the developing youth. Many children that are in poverty drop out of school to help support the family, which repeats the cycle for their generation and makes their situation worse. Without an education they are crippling themselves from reaching farther in life to gain the potential to support themselves and their family. This part had the biggest effect on me, because kids should be provided with the best possible care. It disturbs me to see these kids having to go through bad situations such as poverty, because of their outside conditions. …show more content…

This surprised me because this would cause more expenses to the family, which in turn would be even harder to provide for their families. I found this part to be foolish on the family’s part, and unfair to their children. Because of the number of the kids, they won’t receive as much attention and/or they may not receive the proper nutrition and care they need. I also found it surprising to hear that their children become their possessions. When they are their possessions it leads their parents to never wanting them to leave their side; consequently, holding them back from school and better