
Violence In Romeo And Juliet Research Paper

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The Violence of Love The love between two people was shattered by their family. Violence was the main source of problems, deaths between families, and broken relationships. The theme, Violence tears people apart was shown throughout the play of Romeo and Juliet, where the two feuding families and their violent actions lead to the death of both Romeo and Juliet. Violence will cause problems for people. The first fight that happened was between Sampson and Abram, Sampson was picking a fight on the streets of Verona. The fight would make the prince announce a death sentence to anybody that fights again. Mercutio’s death was when Tybalt tries to dual Romeo and Mercutio gets stabbed while trying to defend Romeo, the attempted duel ends with Tybalt …show more content…

Romeo is banished.” The last fight that happened was between Paris and Romeo, Paris was laying flowers on Juliet’s tomb and saw Romeo entering the area. Paris thought Romeo was going to treat Juliet’s body with discreet and fight Romeo, Romeo kills Paris because of this. The actions of a specific person can be impactful. Lady Montague’s death was based on the exile of Romeo when he was banished from Verona after fighting Tybalt. Lady Montague’s death was announced at the Capulet Grave. When they reveal Romeo’s dead body, Montague reveals this by saying “Alas my liege, my wife is dead tonight.” Another death that was impactful to someone was Tybalt. Lady Capulet was in shock when she found out that Tybalt was dead. Lady Capulet said that she wants action to be taken for the death of Tybalt and said that if a Capulet dies, a Montague must die as well. Juliet’s plan of faking her death never arrived at Romeo, for the reason being that the letter could not be sent to Matua. Romeo was heartbroken by the death of Juliet, and this leads to him buying poison from the apothecary. Romeo drinks poison next to Juliet’s body. The forceful marriage in the Capulet house leads to the death of Romeo and …show more content…

Capulet insulted Juliet and said, “Hang thee young baggage, disobedient wretch.” Also told that Juliet come to the church on Thursday, or she would be disowned. Juliet decides to plan with Flair Lawrence, fake her death before marriage and run away with Romeo to Matua. The plan backfired when Romeo did not receive the letter and poisoned himself from Juliet’s death. Juliet finds out Romeo is dead and stabs herself with Romeo’s dagger. The result of both Romeo and Juliet dying is the feud ending between the Capulets and Montagues, with gold statues built for Romeo and Juliet. Violence is the main source of problems, deaths between families, and broken relationships. The violence between Romeo and Tybalt resulted in multiple problems, including Romeo’s banishment, Juliet’s marriage, and the death of Lady Montague. These events are the reason Romeo and Juliet could not continue their relationship. The actions of a specific person can be impactful. Juliet’s fake death, with intent to stop her marriage with Paris, resulted in Romeo poisoning himself because he was hurt by her death. The forceful marriage in the Capulet house resulted in Romeo and Juliet’s

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