WEDU Pbs's Deepening Standards For Improving Education

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Every year, over 1.2 million students drop out of high school in the United States - one student every 26 seconds. Florida’s graduation rate has increased since 2012, but still only 78% of students are graduating. Sadly, less than 70% of Polk County 9th graders, enrolled in 2014-2015, are expected to go on to graduate from high school. A recent report from the Alliance for Excellent Education indicates five specific goals for improving education in Florida and across the nation.
• Strengthening Standards to Improve Preparedness
• New and Better Assessments
• Quality Teacher Training to Increase Student Achievement
• Connecting Technology to Schools and Students
• Deepen and Personalize Learning

WEDU PBS’s educational outreach addresses three of these goals by providing quality training opportunities for educators and bridging the learning gap between school and technology in ways that provide for personalized lesson development and learning tools for students. …show more content…

Workshops focus on the use of PBS curriculum resources in and out of the classroom, particularly, Florida PBS LearningMedia (FPBS LM), an innovative, free service featuring more than 120,000 PK-13+ digital objects - lessons, videos, and inter-actives selected by teams of experts to address the learning challenges of the 21st century. Resources align to National, Common Core and thanks to the continued allocation of funding to PBS from the Florida Legislature for the customization of the service for Florida use, Florida Standards of Education for PK-12

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