
Walmart Unethical Behavior Case Study

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In my research of Wal-Mart unethical behavior have lead me to believe their pass action was illegal. After time Wal-Mart unethical behavior eventually caught up with them. They violated the law civic rights for sex discrimination, falsifying employment time cards, forcing them to clock out, while still on the clock and not paying them for those hours and bribery are all illegal activity that they could get away with for a long period of time. Even though the company only must pay out money for those lawsuits, I surprise that know went to jail for their unethical behaviors. I feel that if the Wal-Mart upper-management followed the code of conduct that they set forth in their organization mission, vision and values, they will would have never cross the line in unethical behavior. For an organization to be successful their must be trust. Companies earned their credibility through honesty and integrity. It is easy for an organization to say what they are all about or what that are going to do, but Wal-Mart prove to be wrong. It all start with leadership, they should have lead by …show more content…

For leaders, striving to promote culture change may seem slow. Leaders try not to hurry when promoting those changes due to the fear of backlash because their goals are to meet their organization strategic. Leaders realize that instead of Culture improvement roughly depends on the commitment on the employee's part and how effective the training goes which will influence the improvement of their organizations and customer satisfaction. Human Resource and upper management at Wal-Mart need to believe firmly in their continuous improvement for it to be successful. They should be able to provide clearly the company strategy throughout their organization because a leader plays a major role in this process in motivating their employees to be successful. The following are steps that I have to recommend for Wal-Mart to consider for improving their

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