Walt Disney My Hero

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Everyday when I was little, I would watch Disney shows and movies. Walt Disney is my hero because he was a very successful entrepreneur, he stuck to his goals, and he created a brand new kind of theme park.
Walt Disney started his career at a newspaper drawing cartoons and eventually built his own animation business. Although, his drawings were first created when he was just a little boy. When Disney was in high school, he dropped out to join the army. However, he wasn’t old enough so he decided to join the Red Cross. Later, he ended up working at a newspaper where he drew cartoons, which lead to working for a business that made advertisements and commercials, which lead to him and Fred Harman creating their own business of cartoons that they …show more content…

He did that by creating Disneyland. The theme park would allow families to come together and live in the animations through exploring, rides, and meeting the characters from his films. Disney mace big plans for his theme parks, but he knew that he could make them come to life as he once said, “If you can dream it, you can do it.” The idea grew bigger and bigger as they opened Disney World in different locations and other Disney inspired theme parks. More people got the chance to live in the animations with their friends and families. Disney knew that his animations could be more than animations and bring them to life like magic for everyone to experience.
Even though Walt Disney is a hero, like every other hero there is, he has some things about him that are not good. Walt Disney was pro Nazi and there’s a rumor that says that Walt Disney lead weekly Nazi meetings. Another negative thing about Walt Disney is that he didn’t always treat his employees fairly. He didn’t pay some employees what he should have by over paying some and under paying others. Lastly, people might not think that Walt Disney is just an animator. He may be just an animator to some people, but to others, he was a man who never gave up, and created something