War Play Dilemma Essay

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Per chapter one of the text, The War Play Dilemma by Levin and Carlsson-Paige, war play has been a topic of interest and debate among early childhood educators and parents for many years. This war play dilemma is expressed through the play of approximately four-year old boys whose preferred television shows are Star Wars, G.I Joe, He-Man, or Transformers. The children often have a compelling interest in war and weapons play and is causing a confusion among teachers whether to let them continue to play this way while at the same time trying to teach them that violence is not acceptable.
The chapter also provides a better understanding of the war play and its relationship to children’s development and learning. It is a concern which is expressed by many adults that the children today are exposed to too much violence too early therefore, the text attempted to combine related child development and political socialization theory and research with practical experiences of not only teachers but also parents and children to bring …show more content…

Teachers that allows this play with strict limits are also stating that the play is getting out of control. They express that the children will get too involved in the play and will zoom out of the permitted play area causing teachers to devote a lot of energy into explaining and controlling the play. The teachers are not the only ones concerned, as parents have also expressed that the war play is an ongoing and growing source of tension between themselves and their children. Parents blame the society, toys, and television for their concerns as to why war play had recently become an issue and that they encounter war play by simply going to the supermarket or toy store, or even turning on the television. Some even pointed to the peers at school and even blamed teachers for allowing the play and exposing their