
War Vs Vietnam War Essay

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A.P.J. Abdul Kalam once said, “War is never a lasting solution for any problem” (“War Quotes”). War is a necessary means to evil but when you look at the damage it does, it sometimes feels like it wasn’t worth it. WWII was a very difficult war that helped set the stage and prepare for Vietnam. Wars are different but the treatment of soldiers is different based on the political attitudes during the time. When comparing the treatment of soldiers from WWII to Vietnam, it is important to explore the psychological, social, and the emotional effects to understand how differently they were treated.
The main cause of World War II was because the German invasion of Poland that happened on September 1, 1939. The invasion was for Germany to kinda show who was going to be the boss from then on (“Germany Invades Poland”). The tactic that Germany used to invade Poland would then be known as “The Blitzkrieg” strategy. The Blitzkrieg strategy was also called a “lightning attack” It was when the German army would do surprise attacks very quickly (Limbach). The attacks were also usually from the air so that the enemy would be shocked and so to speak “struck by lightning” World War II started on September 1, 1939 and ended on September 2, 1945, It was six years long (Limbach). …show more content…

The president during the time, Franklin Roosevelt, tried to reassure and prepare the Americans for a battle that he explained as “inevitable” In November of 1939 Roosevelt persuaded Congress to repeal the arms embargo provisions of the neutrality act law so that arms could start to be sold to the allies (France and Britain) again. It wasn’t until June of 1940 that he pushed to have a major military buildup and started to give aid to Britain the the way of “lending” the soldiers and supplies (“World War II

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