Warm Bodies Themes

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The major point of the movie is to try in start a new version of zombies. In the movie Isaac Marion changed his story by not starting of showing where the zombies came from. Isaac started with R not knowing how zombies came about. The more unusual thing about the movie is that it takes place on our universe. The movie is more about the zombies rather than alive humans.The major themes of warm bodies are Death, Change and Love etc. The Death in warm bodies is that the characters might end up living forever. Warm Bodies decides that dying isn't the only way to do things R and Julie try to change it. The love theme In Warm Bodies, R the zombie his heart no longer beats. He listens to record and hopes to one day he will feel his heart beat again. Once he meets julie he start to …show more content…

There also was Literature and writing , Passivity ,Meriories and also consciousness and existence. The Passivity in the movie was Julie's theory is that passivity is what led to the zombie outbreak. Not a virus or biological warfare. The movie use identity the zombies not only have their own personalities, they have names that makes them seem more like people, and that just makes it harder to want to kill them.The movie” Warm bodies” started off with a zombie name R who realize that he was not a regularly zombie he had feeling and that he felt something like a zombie he wanted to view how human lived which was separated by a wall . Behind the walls there was the other part of earth that had regularly people who really didn't know about the zombies unless they get through the gate. Their was a leader Grigio who sends his daughter and a group of teenagers to the outside of the wall to collect food and supplies for the population from where they use to stay . The author choose this title because R is Dead and all he wants to do is to be a human again so that he can have feeling and have a brain, have a heart beat . Julie is Living and the inside of the wall are all warm