Warrant Officer Observation

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I served as the Company Supply Officer for Bravo Company 3-1 AHB, 1 CAB from September 2011 through September 2014. During this timeframe I spent countless hours and many hundreds of thousands of dollars maintaining the company supplies for daily operations. While in this position I noticed many issues that caused wasted time and energy for personnel as well as wasted money being spent needlessly. Observation 1: Improper training and manning of the Company Supply Position. Discussion 1: In an aviation company a Warrant Officer has many other duties along with being a pilot. As a company supply officer it is expected of the Officer to know and become familiar with a subject matter that has its own MOS. A soldier spends months of time in …show more content…

I noticed that when it came to ordering many items ranging from maintenance supplies to office supplies the prices listed in FEDLOG and in GSA were often not comparable to the price of the same item listed at The Home Depot™ or Office Max ™. The proprietary supplier for the Army was generally charging an astronomical price often 5 to 10 times the amount. A can of spray paint at the hardware store cost as little as $1.75. The same or a similar brand of the same color spray paint cost $8.00 or more when ordered through GSA or other Army means. Recommendation 2: I recommend that units be allowed to make local purchases with their Government Purchase Cards allowing the supply personnel to make more efficient use of the limited funds they are allotted. Summary: The Army is cutting costs wherever it can and I believe the logistics area has many improvements that can be made that would save millions of dollars Army wide. Implementing the proper personnel and loosening the restrictions on where items can be purchased will enable soldiers and Supply Officers to effectively and efficiently maintain their company operational status while minimizing cost and waste. POC: CW2 Cory Krogmeier, MOS 153MB, 910-520-0891,

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