Warren Harding's Death, Was It Murder Or Natural Cause?

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Warren Harding’s Death, Was it Murder or Natural Cause? The death of President Warren Harding is somewhat of a conspiracy. While some believe he died of a heart-attack at age 57, others believe he was murdered. While the old tale is told many still believe the government’s official cause of death is what really happened. Heart Attack. President Warren Harding suffered from “an overly nervous condition then known as neurasthenia.”(Markel, Howard, Dr. "The ‘strange’ Death of Warren G. Harding." PBS. PBS, 3 Aug. 2015. Web. 10 Nov. 2015.) While doctors warned him about his growing disease when Harding was still in the U.S. Senate he did not take the warnings seriously. President Harding had an enlarged heart, which disabled him some-what with basic activities. With his newly found disease neurasthenia Harding suffered the issues that come with it, shortness of breath, bouts of chest pain, and difficulty sleeping unless his head was propped up with several pillows at night. Even with all this evidence pointing towards heart failure, many people speculate the possibility of murder. The fact that Mrs.Harding refused an autopsy of Mr.Harding raises some questions for some. Why would Mrs.Harding refuse to let the doctors figure out what exactly caused his death? Conspiracists may assume Mrs.Harding is …show more content…

Harding always had some life threatening illness overcoming him, so no one suspected the current heart disease he had was anything serious, for all his other illnesses’ he has fought through he has came out alive. The sudden heart attack at the presidential suite in the San Francisco’s Palace Hotel was a total shock to all Americans. The doctors at the time had no clue what had caused his sudden death and with Mrs.Harding’s refusal to let them do an autopsy they could not figure out why he died. The only speculation they have is the fact that his heart was irregularly large and over the years it could have just