Was Edward De Veere Really Considered The Real Father Of Shakespeare?

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William Shakespeare is known as the world’s greatest poet and playwright. Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, King Lear, and Romeo and Juliet, are some of the most amazing pieces of literature that are still studied to this day. These plays made him so significant in writing and the other arts, that high school students, college students, and others still study him today. Though hundreds of years later, he is still known as the greatest playwright and poet the world has ever known, many question whether he even wrote the many works he is famous for creating. Many also question whether Edward de Vere, a contemporary of Shakespeare, and a poet himself was the true author of these works. Others argue passionately that Shakespeare was the real author of these works. However, Edward de Vere wrote Shakespeare’s plays because he had a much better education, de Vere’s own poetry was very similar to Shakespeare’s at the time, and de Vere had traveled to the places that were settings in Shakespeare’s plays, while Shakespeare had not. …show more content…

De Vere was familiar with foreign events and also literature. He acquired degrees from Oxford and Cambridge and later studied law. The education that he received was partially because of Elizabeth the first. When de Vere’s father passed away he was the sixteenth Earl of Oxford, so Elizabeth the first took the responsibility of taking care of de Vere. She put him into the house of her trustworthy, William Cecil, who saw fit that de Vere received a Renaissance education perfectly formed to his abilities. Education is not the only thing Vere was advanced in, his poetry was very similar to Shakespeare’s creations as