Was King John A Good Leader

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Leadership is the means by which someone uses their influence to serve as a guide for others to be successful. It is the ability to understand and utilize your strengths, as well as addressing your weaknesses in the most efficient way possible. That is what separates the “good” and “bad” leaders of world history. The well-known great leaders of history made pivotal decisions that led to many illustrious achievements; but where there are good leaders, there are also bad ones. There are often circumstances in which a choice was made, that soon followed by a downfall. Decision making is one of, if not the most important quality of a leader. Another contributing factor is the temperament of a leader.
King John was the youngest son of Henry II. He gained heir to the throne in 1199. As King of England, his first task was the war with France, which was caused by his second marriage. About 7 years later, King John had lost many regions. This was a detrimental blow to his reputation, causing him to do whatever it took to win them back. He needed resources which meant he needed more money, so his government became proficient in its financial …show more content…

The qualities that stand out are decision making and temperament of the leader. This was shown as evidence by King John of England and Ivan the Terrible of Russia. There are so many names in history that we know of because they are accepted in history as having been great. But there are also many leaders who were considered terrible. Those leaders all have very similar traits which show why they failed. To become a great leader in any society, you have to make smart decisions. Smart decisions come from patience and planning, you have to assume all possibilities of any major decision you are going to make on behalf a majority of people. You cannot let your emotions control your outcome otherwise you just might end up being remember as “the