Was The Atomic Bomb Justified Essay

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Dropping of the Bomb On August 6, 1945 a terrible tragedy occurred. Americans were at war with Fascist Japan, who was extremely determined on winning. America had to make a choice, use an atomic bomb or save it for another day. They decided to attack Japan with this new deadly weapon; it’s target was Hiroshima. Hiroshima was one of the biggest military bases in Japan, but also was home to civilians. These people were literally turned to dust, with only a shadow left in their place. The question is was this justified or not. My answer is that dropping the bomb was needed in able to defeat Japan in the war. If they didn’t drop the bomb America probably wouldn’t be America today. The first reason that America decided to drop the bomb was that Japan attacked us on our own ground, otherwise known as Pearl Harbor. It fired up Americans to defeat Japan and soon we went into hardcore war with Japan. America soon went into planning how to get back at Japan and had to make the decision of using the atomic bomb. The president at the time, Harry Truman, the man who made that decision said this, “The atom bomb was no ‘great decision.’ It was merely another powerful weapon in the arsenal of righteousness.” This quote shows that …show more content…

The Japanese were so determined that they’d even give up their lives in order to fight for their country. To them it was the honorable thing to do, and they’d stop at nothing to never surrender. Proven by this quote from Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, “Japan, however, vowed to fight to the bitter end in the Pacific, despite clear indications (as early as 1944) that they had little chance of winning.” So the only thing for the Americans to do was to find a way to win the war against them without loosing many of their soldiers. America then decided to drop the bomb in order to make the Japanese stop, and so they targeted Hiroshima, which was a giant military