Was The US Justified In Dropping The Atomic Bomb

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Knowledge is the understanding of a subject and is gained through direct experience and claims. In order to gain knowledge there is a network of ways of knowing such as memory, language, sense perception, reasoning, emotion and intuition. These ways of knowing is what provide people with information and understand in order to develop knowledge within an area of knowledge. Each way of knowing interacts with an area of knowledge in order to gain knowledge. In this essay, I will use history and ethics as my area of knowledge and the event of Atomic bombing of Hiroshima to show how people acquire knowledge through the ways of knowing. The atomic bombing of Hiroshima is a historical event that will be debated throughout the years. Was the U.S. justified in dropping the atomic bomb? On August 6th, 1945 the United States of America used an atomic bombing attack against Japan in Hiroshima, This bombing …show more content…

There have been multiple discussions about the moral judgements of whether it is acceptable for America to drop this bomb on Hiroshima and kill thousands of people in order to end the war. America should have not drop the atomic bomb for multiple reasons. Bombing this city was not morally right. The bombs and radiation that came from the bombs killed thousands of innocent people and most civilians who had little to no effect in the war. This is shown through sense perception, language and emotion. There are thousands of photos that show this horrific event and the effect of the atomic bomb. With photos demonstrating the damage that bomb cause and the pain that people endured because of the bombing. These photos show the people that died and the disfigurement of people who was affected by radiation. The whole city was destroyed and nothing but pieces of buildings was left. Hundreds of bodies were everywhere; many were