Wedge Recovery System Case Study

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The intent of this paper is to take a constructive view of Wedge Recovery Center South with applying the System approach. The System method would assist us with formative the structure organization regarding to the Wedge Recovery Center South. To address this unbiased investigation, the focal system, subsystems and supra-systems would provide the surveillance that are require with constructive observation of given structure within the Wedge Recovery Center. System terminology would be applied, along with the definitions. It is imperative for the Wedge Recovery Center South be establishes as the focal system (object of attention) in order for the system methodology to be unitize. Wedge South meet the criterial of being the focal system due with its organizations placement within Wedge overall structure. Wedge South is a component of Wedge Recovery Center that include Wedge Frankford and Venango, which is the Outpatient Drugs and Alcohol Programs; this would consider to be Wedge South subsystems ( a system within a system). Wedge …show more content…

Wedge mission statement was locate on its website, along with being on various documentations. Wedge Recovery Center South has accomplish it mission statement, where some of its members became practitioners. Base on the results of its mission statement, Wedge Recovery Center South is an open system (provide energy exchange across a system boundaries) with it constant influx of new members, which is producing synergy (increasing the amount of energy available in a system). Where its boundaries (the limits of the interaction of the components of a system with each other), this would ensure that Wedge Recovery Center South to remain in homeostasis (fixed balance in a partially open system), which would prevent Wedge Recovery Center South from entropy (to run down the system distribution of energy so it become less accessible) and become equilibrium (fixed balance of a relatively closed

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