Weightlifting Training Report

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Weight lifting is a sport that requires one to have a solid routine and discipline to a certain set of exercises and workouts that are geared towards one’s goals. In order to reach one’s specific goals, working out to reach those goals is key. It requires more than lifting heavy weights without any sort of plan. There are other variables that are very important when trying to build muscle such as the type of sets one is performing, and the number of sets. All the factors such as these can affect the desired results. One of the challenges that many people encounter when designing a training plan is the order to do the exercises. Another common challenge in the fitness world is the duration of the workouts, such as long with more rest, or faster with a higher intensity. After exercising intensely for one hour, the level of testosterone in the body begins to decrease while cortisol rises. This is one of many things to consider when creating a training plan for different goals. We will further …show more content…

This technique is used by the most experienced weightlifters who are searching for a new challenge. Pyramid system involves doing multiple sets with decreasing reps for each of the subsequent sets while at the same time increasing the weight. There are many variations of doing the pyramid system techniques with standard, double, and peak pyramids being among them (Geiger, 2015).
Standard Pyramid In a standard pyramid, the weightlifter starts with the common eight reps at sixty percent of the normal one-rep maximum and for the subsequent sets, then drops the number of repetitions by two while at the same time increasing the level of resistance by ten percent. For instance, a person who normally does maximum bench press of 120 pounds, he can do 8 reps of 80 pounds during the first set. Then, in the subsequent set reduce the number of reps by two and increase weight by 20 pound per set.