Weintraub's Argument Against Fast Food

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Daniel Weintraub in the article “The battle against fast food begins in the home” argues that parents are to blame for their children being overweight. Fast food industry are not the problem Weintraub supports his argument by using the data given in the article , “ Statewide said that , 26 percent of schoolchildren are overweight.” (p.g. 1 prg 7)

Weintraub stated that the increasing consumption of fast food is in the size of the meals. With larger sodas and bigger sized portions of meals. The restaurants put out bigger meals for less or so you think after all the french fries you buy and plus the drink , that’s where they get you for your money.

The article said that the state said by law children must learn physical education for at least 20 minutes. Also there must be a water fountain present and working at every campus. They have kids do p.e. so that when they go home insted of getting a snack and sitting in front of a Tv for an hour they might go outside and play for an hour or two or maybe even just 30 minutes. Weintraub blames the parents for kids these days being overweight. He says that it is not the kids falet for being overweight but the parents Weintraub feels as if the kids can not make the helthey choese when it comes to food and Taco Bell and a homemade meal. …show more content…

Yes Some Parents have to work late yes some houesholeds only have one parents but that is no excues for eating out every day fast food was made so that you could eat soon and did not have to cook but it was only meant for some times as a once a mounth thing not any evey week or every day thng. To much a something is also a bad