Summary Of Fast Food Begins In The Home By Daniel Weintraub

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In the article “ The battle against fast food begins in the home “ ,written by Daniel Weintraub , he is blaming parents for the growth in obesity in their kids . The fight against fast food industries is strong , but the fight against parents with overweight / obese children can be stronger. According to Weintraub , parents are to blame for their children being overweight / obese. Now , do we all agree with that ? I know I do . In Weintraub’s article he states , “ It is the parents - not the government , not the fast food companies , no the video - game manufacturers - who are responsible for teaching kids healthy eating and exercise habit “ he is just stating how he blames the parents . He thinks it is their fault because growing up parents are the ones who teach their children their eating …show more content…

After my mom forced me to do some sports , I had the option to stop playing sports , because well I just didn’t feel like sports were my thing . After my mom gave me the option to keep playing , or to just not play anymore , I had chose the wrong option for me and my health . I had chose not to play any sports anymore . You can say I gained weight . I honestly had thought to myself that I would be able to control my weight by just keeping the right diet on my own . I was wrong . I should have stayed in sports . Although I am in sports at the moment and in the right condition. Well after I gained the weight back , I would think to myself that it was all my mom’s fault . Why? Well i would blame her for even giving me the option to not even do any kind of sport at all . Weintraub even mentions it in his article . Parents are also at fault for the lack of exercise of their children . It is one thing if parents actually try to get their children to do exercise but their kid just won’t do it and it is another if parents don’t even care about their children doing any type of