In the article,¨ The battle against fast food begins in the home¨, Daniel Weintraub claims that parents are who to fault for their child(ren)’s obesity problems. Weintraub supports his argument by explaining the data and research to show that most studies focused on,¨the increasing consumption of fast food and soft drinks, larger portion sizes in restaurants, the availability of junk food on campus, advertising junk food to children and their families, and the lack of consistent physical education programs in the school.¨ The author’s purpose is to inform and raise awareness that their parent’s are who to fault so that their child(ren) could stop blaming everyone else, for something that happens at home. I agree with Weintraub's are you meant for many reasons. there might be some kids launching lawsuits against the fast food industry, for making them fat. The problem here is that the food industry has no fault. Yes they produce the fast food, but the consumer has all the faults. They do spend millions on advertising their products, which makes us want to buy it. One because it's cheap and second because it's …show more content…
“Before 1994 only 5 percent of childhood cases were obesity-related, or type 2, diabetes. Today according to the National Institutes of Health, type 2 diabetes accounts for at least 30% of all new childhood cases of diabetes in this country.” “ 2.6 billion in health care costs in 1969. Today's number is 100 million a year.” UNBELIEVABLE! Their husbands studies that boys are much more likely to be overweight in than girls. 32% of boys are overweight . 21% of girls are overweight. I believe parents should take responsibility instead of blaming the fast food Industries. Parents are to parent their children. They need to show their child(ren) to take responsibility instead of blaming everyone else. Parents also need to make changes in their children's diet habits. Parents need to