The Myth Of Choice: How Junk-Food Marketers Target Our Children

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Envision that a boy was playing a game on his phone. He was so close to beating his high score, but he was suddenly interrupted. An ad about Mcdonald's pops up advertising one of the best selling items on their menu; an egg mcmuffin. Usually he would be so frustrated, but instead he forgot about his game and nagged his mom to take him to McDonald's. Soon, he asked his mom for fast food almost everyday. When he begged his mom, his mom always gave in. It is hard for parents just to say no without giving into their child. After a while, he developed heart disease that limited his physical abilities. He had to be more cautious with what he ate so that he did not develop any more serious complications. Many children like him have been affected by …show more content…

In the video “The Myth of Choice: How Junk-Food Marketers Target Our Kids”, Anna Lappe explains, "1 and 3 kids eats fast food every day.” Ads are more likely to advertise fast food products than organic foods. The more ads there are for fast food the more business companies will get. Also, since fast food is easier and cheaper to purchase that is why 1 and 3 kids eat fast food every day. Although fast food is more convenient at the time it will cause lots of problems later on in life. Anna Lappé explains what problems may occur, “Fast food ads influence youth to eat their food. This causes children to become more prone to heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and even cancer” (“The Myth of Choice: How Junk-Food Marketers Target Our Kids”). These diseases can change someone's life. To think they were all caused by one simple problem; ads. An abundance of ads encourage children to eat fast foods. When parents buy fast food for their child they do not see the harm that the food is causing. The parents simply seem to think that the food is not harmful and it is a cheaper alternative for dinner. Ads cause much more harm to children than people think. Sometimes children develop diseases and people realize that it is too late to do anything about this