Obese Children In America Essay

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Why are there so many obese children in America?
America is a land of dreams. Majority of business ventures and multinational companies we see today ranging from manufacturing sector to services to food chains, more or less originated from the super power in one way or other. Big food chains such as Subway, Mc Donalds, Burger King, Wendy’s, Hardeez and KFC all started of from USA as small scaled restaurants. With time and ever changing life style with in and outside USA, these chains transformed into big multinationals operating in virtually almost every country.
It lead to a strong shift of youngsters from traditional normal food to fast food which is also referred to as “junk food”. Since late 90’s this trend has picked up at rate of knots across the globe. More so in America for the reasons noted above. This fast food concept came to the fore front from this land of dreams. Today we see children aged only 4-6 years asking for burgers, fries and other fast food items. This was nonexistent say twenty years ago. When children are being inclined to these food items from such an early age to an extent where they become addicted to their use, then it’s safe to assume they will have to bear side effects of such …show more content…

For a healthy body a balanced diet is needed. While fast food is fine for once in a while use, it’s highly non healthy to use it on a regular basis. It leads to obesity- a state where body gains weight at an abnormal pace before time. Even children as young as 5-6 years began to show signs of obesity especially the ones who are in love with junk food. The problem alone doesn’t lie with eating this food alone. It kicks in when people eating these items don’t burn extra calories that accumulate in their body. Children use them and then when they don’t go out and play, fat began to gather around their bodies over a period of time. The end result is