
What Are The Benefits Of Raising The Driving Age Limit To 18

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There are new drivers every day from teens to adult and the arguments of raising the driving age limit to 18. In Europe the driving age limit is 18 years old because the government as well as some people think that 16 years old is too young to drive, for the fact of young teens are not mature nor responsible enough to have the privilege of having a driver’s license. Many people believe that just because one young teen got into an accident, that all teens will get into an accident once they begin driving. Not everyone is the same, everyone has their own level of responsibility and maturity. Although, some teens have a high portion of an accident rate within a few month/years of getting their driver’s license, they have to start off somewhere. America should not raise the age limit to 18 because in America requires taking classes first for the ages of 16 to 17 that way they can develop the responsibility and rules, also the lack of transportation, and lastly the experience. …show more content…

In order to get a license at a young age there is a process they have to go through, which helps the look over the rule to get them prepared for the behind the wheel practice. The instructor will be able to determine if the teen is ready or not. At the age of 16 it is a privilege to drive not a right because it can also be taken away if the rules are not followed.
Another reason why they should not raise the age limit, is for the transportation. During that age teens are beginning to see the world and not only are they wanting to go out they are also going to school, playing sports, or other activities going on. If there is no transportation it becomes difficult to get around, as well as always having to ask their

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