What Are The Causes Of The Civil War

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The Civil War (1861- 1865) was a war between the Confederacy and the Union. People of the era owned slaves that were overworked and sold multiple times. By the time America was founded, slavery had been dying in the north, but rising in the south, with over 1/7 Americans belonged to other Americans by 1860. The north wanted slavery to be abolished, and the south was worried about the political uprising of the north. They did not want their way of life to be changed, and were opposed to the very idea of abolishment, due to their high need for labor for their plantations. The country became deeply divided by mid century. In 1854 congress allowed settlers into Kansas and Nebraska, however the areas had to decide if they were to be slave or free states, and the action resulted in over 5,000 proslavery men invaded Kansas. Over the course of 2 months, 250 men died from fighting within the states, and the killing would not cease for 10 years. …show more content…

The plan failed and Brown and his men took up the armory arsenal and engine house, and held hostages. Everything went downhill when a gunfire and 1 person was killed. Brown’s plan for the slaves to rise up went a-wire, and the townspeople rose up instead. The following Tuesday, federal armies showed up to the sight and stormed the engine house, killing some of Brown’s men in the process. Brown was sent to Virginia to be tried for reason. He was found guilty and sentenced to death. This was the beginning of the confederate