What Are The Major Components Of My Ecological Footprint

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According to the Footprint Calculator, if all the people in the world have the same lifestyle as I do, it would take around 5.6 times the amount of Earth to sustain the resources that I use. The top 3 contributors of my ecological footprints are services, mobility and shelter. Services contributes up to 36% of my ecological footprint, followed by mobility at 26 % and shelter at 21%. It takes around 24.8 global acres of the Earth’s productive area to support my lifestyle, which most of those are used for sustaining my energy consumption. Overall, I’m generating around 29.6 tons of carbon dioxide.

Services contributes to most of my ecological footprint, which is dependent by the location and country that I live in this world. Services footprint calculates the footprint generated by infrastructures, public services, and government services in the country. The bigger and more developed the country, the more services footprint it will generate. U.S.A. is one of the biggest country in the world, and it requires a lot of infrastructures to support the population. The top contributors of my ecological footprints could be caused by living in the U.S. alone. The second contributing factor could be resulted …show more content…

Living in the U.S. contributes to most of my ecological footprints, since the amount of ecological footprints that the U.S. produce is the highest compared to any other country. I also have a different lifestyle than most of the people in this world, since I’m a pilot. I fly aircraft almost every week, which contributes a lot of ecological footprints. I also commute long distances which produce a lot of carbon emission. Another reason why I have a higher ecological footprints than other people is because I uses a lot of electricity to sustain my lifestyle. The main electricity plant in my place is powered by coal, which also produce a generous amount of ecological