What Are The Pros And Cons Of Universal Healthcare

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Why is The United States of America (USA), seen by many as the greatest country in the world to live in employing different standards the only Western country that does not have Universal Healthcare? To answer this question I will be looking into the opportunity cost and possible tradeoffs for free healthcare which is found within the Pros and Cons of a Free Healthcare system. Universal Healthcare remains the most controversial topics/debate in presidential elections in the USA. Politicians and Americans ponder on this day and night. Like education, many believe healthcare should be considered a fundamental right to all USA citizens, not simply a privilege for the upper and middle classes. Debates and speeches on this point are marred with concerns of increase taxes, decrease salaries for doctors, and the ethical question of whether or not healthcare is a …show more content…

 No competition/No innovation-there is no incentive to create better medications or pursue better medical services.  Increase in government debt which is the biggest argument against universal healthcare as taxes will be increased to pay for the system. These points can be seen as one of the many reasons why Universal healthcare coverage is still not existent in the USA. Despite all these Flaws enumerated one cannot deny the fact that equal access to healthcare for all citizens which is perhaps the greatest advantage of this system will improve public health whereby everyone can at least get the basic care that they need, there will be reduction in paperwork as doctors and other healthcare providers can finally concentrate on treating the patients without worrying themselves with paperwork. It will stop medical bankruptcies, and Boost the economy as the standard of living of every individual in the society will be raised leading to more economic