What Are The Pros And Cons Of The First Red Scare

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The First Red Scare The Red Scare was a time filled with hysteria and fear of anarchist, socialist, and communist revolt against America. This sparked unpleasant emotion and terrorist attacks in the United States ("The First"). The Red Scare began in 1919 and the name was given to this time period because of the many race riots which were caused by accused troublemakers and conscientious objectors("The Red Scare").The widespread fear caused by the First Red Scare created a negative tension in the United States during the early 1900's. The First Red Scare affected the United States government, the workers, and the people. The First way the Red Scare affected the United States is by it hurting the people of the United States. When the Red …show more content…

One way The most positive way that Communist could be good is that everyone is equal. There is no class system so there is no royalty. Everyone has access to health, education and access to this that everyone should have like food but don't. the concept of communist would be that everyone could live in peace without fear of the upper class(Green Garbage). The one big down fall to America becoming a Communist nation is because it takes away the diversity of the people. Everyone is equal and gets the same thing. What if the access to health is poor and everyone would get cover. In an American communist government, there is no ambitions because everyone is equal and cannot expect to do something out of the ordinary. Their personal development would not grow in this political system. Also another positive way that In a communist society would beneficial , everyone contributes and works. So the employment rate dramatically decreases. This will also drop in crime because no one wants to commit an illegal offense. All the parents will have to worry about bills and how the family is doing. For the lower class, they will no longer have to be in fear that the economy will suffer as long as they have a job(Green Garbage). This would hurt the middle class and the poor class. The rich would be living in luxury while everyone is just making