What Are The Pros And Cons Of Illegal Immigration

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Nicolas Shoemaker
Mrs Gallos
English 3 3rd period
16 November 2017 I researched about illegal immigration. I learned so much more than i already knew about illegal immigration. There are two different sides to my topic, but i'm not on either side. The sides are for it or against it and each side had different reasons for problems and different solutions to the same problem. One side is racist and one side is basically supporting them. One problem will illegal immigrants is that they are willing to work for less pay and over the last 5 years there has been a 3% drop in the pay of wages. Also with these pay cuts over this time period the number of illegal immigrants have increased dramastically. The pay cuts affected everybody not just …show more content…

The USA is overpopulated already and then adding all of these immigrants is causing the USA to be really overpopulated and there isn't even a way to be able to get an exact number on the amount of illegal people there are in the United States. The nation's population has grown over 100 million since 1965 and over 50% of the growth has been from immigration. We now depend on foreign imports for 28.8 percent of our energy consumption: two-thirds of our petroleum products and about one-sixth of our natural gas consumption ("Chapter 2: Immigration’S). If the rates of illegal immigration don´t stop the we are going to have to depend on other countries more and more. It is more expensive to have to depend on other countries if we could stop illegal immigration then we could possibly not have to depend on everyday resources from other countries. When there is violence with illegal immigrants then they go to jail and there are jails across the country that are to full which is another reason that america is …show more content…

So we need to be able to control immigration rates to be able to keep the economy under control and allow US citizens to keep their jobs either high paying or low paying jobs. “Those 600 people did it the right way, and they are welcomed with open arms by all Americans. Until they took that oath of allegiance, their rights as green-card holders were on a par with citizens(Center for American Progress).” If illegal immigrants would have taken the steps to come to america legally then everyone would accept them. Some people in the US don’t like the fact that illegal immigrants usually don’t pay taxes and receive government aid. When the US gets immigration under control then that would force the people that want to live in the US to come threw the legal