What Does Integrity Mean To You Essay

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Integrity means being true to ourselves and being honest, upright, and decent in our dealings with others. When we are guided by integrity, our thoughts and words are in line with each other; our actions align with our principles. Integrity can even be described as the person you are. It’s a skill you have to teach yourself because no one’s born with. Something you eventually grow into.
A man once said, “In the end you should always do the right thing even if it's hard.” I can interpret that by that quote they are showing integrity. I feel as if he is trying to say that no matter what the situation you should always do the right thing. Even if it means losing friends or even gaining. In the end you should always make things right even if it’s wrong. …show more content…

Integrity is a concept of consistency of actions, values, method and morals. My greatest value to be would be honesty. I feel as if that also takes a big part in the word and meaning of integrity. Being honest is something that not many people can do but attempt. But, I feel as if honesty will help me achieve my goals. That’s one laws ta I live by is honesty. I’ve always been taught that lying will get you into more trouble than you might already be in. Growing up, I was always taught not to lie. It’s even grown on me as a person. Lying ca take a lot from you. It can take the person’s trust gone forever and it can take who knows how long just to earn it back. It is my personal goal to achieve amazing things in life and honesty will help me get there. Honesty gets you much higher in life than getting into more problems for lying. Honesty also makes you look more mature. To sum up my thoughts on honesty, I hope that honesty is something people can in the future follow to have and