What Does The Duchess Teach Alice In Wonderland

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Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is filled with incredible creatures and mind-boggling events that capture and engross a reader. Similarly to how they capture Alice in the story. Though there is one character who stands out in the sense that he is both bizarre in our world and his own, yet, he makes the most sense out of any of character and fits within both worlds, effectively linking them and perhaps teaching Alice in a way that makes more sense than other characters from whom she has sought guidance. This character is the Cheshire cat. This essay will explore the ideas surrounding this interesting being through how he interacts with the main character, how he uses language, how the reader understands his species to fit into the world that he lives in, and how his speech and behavior is influential in guiding and teaching Alice, in comparison to a character such as the Duchess or those in the mad tea-party. Through this we will be able to see how the one cat in Wonderland is able to provide a true aspect of guidance in a world that makes little to no sense and how he is able to do this. The first appearance of the Cheshire cat is in the sixth chapter of Alice’s Adventures …show more content…

The way in which they talk to each other isn’t as she talked to other Wonderland characters such as the Duchess and later on the characters of the tea party. The Cheshire cat allows Alice to ask her questions such as which direction she should go and what types of people may live in these directions. It is the way in which the Cheshire cat responds to these questions that makes this encounter truly unique. He does not shoot her questions down by telling her she is unintelligent for not knowing the answers in the first place, rather he answers them for her. This happens throughout the entire conversation such as when she asks him what kind of people live in each direction. She

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