What I Learned In My Writing Class

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When I first started in this class I did not have the best writing skills. I came from school that did not teach very good grammar and spelling. This change over the course of time in this class. When you write essays as often as we did in his class you tend to get better.My three Learning outcomes were riding in the discipline, critical thinking, individual and social responsibility.
When I first took this course I thought what is a macro teacher gonna do about my writing discipline. Well you got to the point that my grandma was so poor I started getting bad grades on my papers.

My grammar drastically improved after I read it, and was able to construct a paper to my highest abilities into his highest standards. Writing in the discipline is just not a saying in college. Riding in the discipline is how do you improve your grade and overall writing and rhetoric skills.

Macroeconomics requires critical thinking skills. These critical thinking skills were tested the fullest extent this semester. Macroeconomics requires critical thinking skills because of the broad and in-depth subject that we have. The subject include GDP aggregate demand aggregate supply and many more. Macroeconomics is not an easy subject by any means however it is very fun to learn which makes it a good and fun challenge.

Lastly you need to …show more content…

I need to be individually responsible for my own paperwork my own notes and getting to class on time.it is not easy getting up at 7 o 'clock in the morning by no means for a college student. But it was my individual responsibility to get a good grade. I 'm going to college to further my education not set in the bed in the dorm. It was my individual responsibility to take the best notes that I could. It was also my individual responsibility to ask questions when I did not understand is also my responsibility to ask the teacher what I did wrong if I did not understand his