What Impact Do Rockets Have On The Environment

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Space travel has been part of United States history for many generations but it is time to stop it. We can not rely on finding another place to live and should just make this one last as long as we can. Space travel has been using the government's money and has been hurting the environment and it will continue to hurt the economy and the environment and should be stopped. Space travel should be ended to prevent any further harm to the economy and the environment.
First, Space travel is harmful to the environment we live in on planet Earth. With all the toxic fumes that get launched of from the rocket engines. “Rocket engines emit reactive gases that cause ozone molecules to break apart. They also discharge microscopic particles of soot and aluminum oxide, which may increase the rate at which those gases wreak havoc.” (Rastogi, Nina. "What Impact Do Rockets Have on the Environment?" Slate Magazine. N.p., 17 Nov. 2009. Web. 21 Mar. 2017.) So why would we want to wreak havoc on our own planet? Is destroying our home …show more content…

“We have put in 1.5 billion each flight and have totaled that up to 196 billion in a span of 30 years” . (Magazine, Jeremy Hsu Astrobiology. "Total Cost of NASA's Space Shuttle Program: Nearly $200 Billion." Space.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2017.) We are spending so much money on getting people up to space to look for life that would take years to reach. We have spent nearly $200 billion on a program that has only sent mankind to the moon and only have done that 6 times out of 9 times which isn’t a bad pass to fail ratio. Landing on the moon though did us no good other than waste money. We should have stayed away from the space race with the soviet union and just saved money and spent it on other things. I'm not saying no to a space program but we can't keep throwing money to NASA and letting them waste it. We have to have a cheap space program. NASA is hurting our national debt and needs to be