
What Is Lone Star's Competitive Advantage

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Lone Star Competitive Advantage and Positioning

To create a competitive advantage and positioning statement for Lone Star Play Ball, it is important to define competitive advantage, target market and positioning statement. According to Kotler and Keller competitive advantage is an organization’s ability to accomplish a task that competitors cannot or will not match (2016). Having a competitive advantage is vital in building a strong brand. It allows a company to differentiate itself from the competition by giving said company a point of difference.
Moreover, Amadeo states, that a target market is who is the organizations customers, what do they exactly want and how to make them happier (2014). Simply, a target market is the customers a company …show more content…

Essentially, they provide a safe fun environment that allows people with special need to play softball. Lone Star has many advantages over the competition in San Antonio. For example, since Lone Star only provides softball services they can provide said services very cheaply; consequently, Lone Star does not need a lot of donors to operate. Conversely, other organizations like Kinetic Kids offer many different programs (Kinetic Kids n.d.), which can be good, but it can also be expensive to donors to support so many programs.
Moreover, because Lone Star offers only one program, so they are very focused on softball being the best experience it can be for their customers. Whereas organizations such as NCHPAD offers healthcare in addition too recreational activities (n.d.), which can be confusing to customers. Therefore, Lone Star has the opportunity to distinguish its brand by presenting a brand mantra that is simple concise and to the …show more content…

Lone Star is targeting families who want to socialize with other families who have members with disabilities. When families are at a Lone Star event they feel more comfortable because they around other families who have individuals with special needs. For example, at a Lone Star event people do not ask questions about a person’s disabilities, everyone at the events are experiencing very similar lifestyles so they tend to be more understanding. This allows a family member to feel at ease, therefore, Lone Star is providing a service to family members too, which makes them a customer as

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