What Is Progressive's Success?

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Over the years, Progressive has remained innovative, unique, and has remained focused on customer relationships, all of which has helped them attract new insurance customers. These aspects of Progressive has allowed them to differentiate themselves from the market as well. The main feature that set Progressive apart was its unique product and service. At the time, they were the first to have a “24-hour drive thru claim service”, provide low rates for low-risk drivers, and promoted comparison prices (Kotler, Keller 654). Moreover, between these service features and their product features, Progressive is able to meet a customer's individual need. Besides their product, Progressive has remained successful because of the way they communicate these customer values. The first and …show more content…

Additionally, their character Flo represents how the brand will always go out of its way to help you in a number of ways. Although it sounds odd (because insurance is intangible), in a way, Progressive has centered their personal selling around presentations and demos. As a result, Progressive remains memorable and stuck in consumers heads. Flo, not only helps to distinguish the brand and represents happiness and brand appeal, she is a symbol of the company’s focus on relationship marketing. Hence, a final way Progressive has succeeded over the years is because they place a high value on building customer relationships. Surprisingly enough the company has created a Facebook page for Flo to help improve customer relationships. Progressive uses a variety of channel to not only increase brand awareness but to ensure the consumers have means of communicating with the brand. Overall, Progressive has remained successful over the years because they have are dedicated to relationship marketing, has differentiated, and has turned an intangible asset into a tangible