What Is Self Efficacycy

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Abstract: Introduction: self-efficacy is a component of the individual’s self-image which pertains to the individual’s belief regarding the individual’s competencies in accomplishing the assignments to which the individual finds himself or herself confronted in the future and it can be effective on the individual’s success. Thus, the present study aims at the survey of Pintrich’s self-efficacy effect on the medical sciences university students’ academic achievement in the city of Urmia. Implementation method: The current study is an analytical-descriptive research which has been conducted on 311 individuals from Urmia medical sciences university in 2016. The information required for the study was collected by means of a two-part questionnaire …show more content…

Also, in another study it was pointed out that only 38% of the new nursing graduates had acquired the expected competencies including the ability to make correct clinical judgments [11]. One of the reasons behind academic underachievement and failure can be attributed to the students’ study skills and learning weaknesses [12]. Another reason behind such a phenomenon can be the students’ low self-efficacy. Besides influencing the students’ motivation, self-efficacy influences the learners’ endeavor, perseverance and the time spent for learning [13]. Approximately a quarter of the young population is at the verge of academic failure risk and the other behavioral problems which may subsequently arise [14]. Self-efficacy is part of the individual’s self-image which pertains to the individuals’ beliefs in respect to his or her capabilities for fulfilling duties and assignment to which the person may confront in the future …show more content…

Findings: In the present study, 93 students (29.9%) were from the nursing and obstetrician department, 128 students (41.2%) from medicine department and 90 students (28.9%) were from pharmacy department. Also, the results obtained by the current study indicated that the individuals’ average age was 21.42 ± 2.64 years of age and 127 individuals (40.8%) were girls. Variance analysis test indicated that the relationship between the department place of education and the self-efficacy mean score (P=0.001) and academic achievement (P0.05) and self-efficacy and academic achievement has been discovered to be in a higher level in men than the women. The relationship between the age and the self-efficacy was shown to be statistically significant