
What Is The Cause Of The Cold War Essay

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The Cold War The Cold War began after World War II, during world war II the United States and the Soviet Union were on the same side and also fought together as allies. After the war the United States did not trust Russian president Joseph Stalin and the fact that it was a communist country made it worse. Now the Russians did not like the United Sates as well which led to a lot of mistrust among both countries. Each country was stating that the other was bad for world peace. In October of 1959 Sputnik was launched into space, Sputnik was a Russian satellite and once that happened it sparked what we now know as the “Missile Race”. The United Stated was isolated from the Soviet Union and had a superior Navy and Air Force, but an attack from space could not be prevented. (Lightbody …show more content…

shortly after that, there was a Nuclear race between the two countries. In 1954 the United States created the H-Bomb which was 20,000 tons more than the bomb that leveled Hiroshima. Tensions were very high between the United States and the Soviet Union. That also led to the Cuban Missile Crises, basically it was the Soviet Union using Cuba to launch missiles at the United Stated and they did move missiles to Cuba to prove they were serious. The way that was solved was the United States president Kennedy publicly told the Russian president Khrushev at the time that they would not invade Cuba if they withdrew their missiles. Kennedy also privately told President Krushnev that if he did not withdraw that the U.S would invade Cuba within 24 hours but Kennedy also promised to withdraw U.S troops from Turkey within 6 months if he agreed. I believe that was a bold move seeing that tension were very high and it could have gone bad. Krushnev agreed to the terms and that solved the Cuban Missile Crises. In 1931 Mikhail Gorbachev took office in Russia. He introduced two policies “glasnost”, or Political openness, and “perestroika,” or economic

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