What Is The Cost Of Raising The Driving Age To 18 Year Old Drivers Essay

578 Words3 Pages


Jeremiah Hamilton
English 12
Mrs. Hipkins
March 8, 2023

16-17 year old drivers think they're perfect drivers, so they won’t get into an accident. 18 year old drivers are more safe on the road. They care about other people when they're driving other than 16 and 17 year old drivers. 18 year olds are more cautious. They would have to pay for the damages where if a 16-17 year old their parents would pay. This website states. The fatal crash rate for 16 and 17 are three times as high as 18 and older drivers. They also have the highest motor vehicle crashes (teen driving and passenger get the facts, 2022). The big thing letting 16 year olds drive is that the fetal crash rate is 3 times as high compared to 18 year olds. …show more content…

The information states. Little experience With road rage and driving. More than a quarter of teens have enough experience (“Raising the driving age to 18”, n.d.). Lack of experience is the number one reason why 2600 teens are in accidents each year. A little more than half of sixteen and seventeen year olds haven’t dealt with weather …show more content…

Another reason is because a quarter of sixteen and seventeen year olds don't wear their seatbelt. The younger teens are driving, the more knowledge they will learn at a younger age. They also don't have to worry about transportation. “Others may think, The best way to learn is to do it. The argument here is that the higher crash rates for 16- and 17-year-olds may just be because they are new to driving and lack experience. Delaying the start of driving may just delay that learning and shift the crash rates more toward the 18- and 19-year-olds” (Celeste, 2022). People would say, letting them drive when they're younger so they can have more experience. But, that is just saying they dont have the experience to do that. It is also said that 16-17 year olds are not emotionally mature. 18-year-olds are more likely to make smart decisions without giving in to peer pressure than 16-year-olds. Letting 16 year olds increase the crash rate just so they can learn at an early age. More than a quarter of teens if they are in a car accident will not drive again. If so, they would never