What Is The Four Basic Strategies To Respond To The Prevention Of Crime Prevention

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In England, the English police service has committed to the prevention of crime for a number of years and has offered a specialist training in the crime prevention at Staffordshire. The police have been experimenting with all of the strategies in order to enhance the role of crime-prevention. As an example the officers of crime-prevention that are found on every police force. In the addition, to emphasize the involvement of the community in the prevention of crime, the specialists must also convince their colleagues of that prevention of the crime and that is the responsibility of all the officers. There is one method of indoctrinating all of the officers to the prevention of crimes that is to the Orient to the tutor constables to the work of the prevention of the crime. There is another strategy and that is to have a crime-prevention and that the component will include in all of the training (Harvey, Grimshaw, and Pease, in Morgan and Smith, 1989). …show more content…

In this design, the beat officers had focused all their attention was on particular crime problems within their patrol areas during the periods when their time that had been uncommitted. There were Neighborhood watch programs that had also been introduced. With these programs that were included in the four basic strategies of (1) having people watch their own neighborhoods and to report concerns to police, (2) marking their personal property through the use of identification kits that provided by the police, (3) with providing the home security surveys, and (4) and establishing a community crime prevention and the environmental awareness programs (Morgan and Smith, 1989). Presently, there are thousands of neighborhood watch programs that are established throughout the country (Home Office,