
What Is The Importance Of English In Education

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Although the history of English Language is traced back to 31st December, 1600 but English education was in fact introduced in India in the middle of the 19th century when the 3 universities got established one each at Calcutta, Bombay and Madras in 1857. The Senate of the
University of Calcutta adopted a resolution in 1861 that all examinations should be conducted in
English and thus schools were compelled to introduce English at an early stage. When British introduced the modern system of English over a hundred years ago, the study of English was an important part of the liberal and humanistic discipline. The teaching of English in the
Universities followed a set pattern of the traditional approach which received severe criticism.
The focus of our ELT program and the role of English in our Educational system is been changing over the years. In 1971 Calcutta university commission stressed the importance of the study of English as part of general education in India. The commission considered English indispensable to the higher education in India.
The teaching of English in our colleges received a major set- back after Independence because of the prevailing psychological attitude. The regionalization of the medium of instruction at the university level resulted in an adequate exposure to the English language. A number of commissions and study groups stressed the need for the rationalization of the English curricula, textbooks and examinations. The ‘service’ nature of the
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