
What Is The Rise Of The Automobile In The 1920s

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Nate Ehrenborg
Mr. Witt
Honors English III
The Rise of Automobiles in the 1920s
What was it like buying your first car? Did it make you excited or nervous or almost all of the above? Well, imagine buying a car for the first time. The Model T became the first affordable automobile and the most famous car to date. This was a game-changer for everyone. It changed the way how people, products, and just about everything moved around the US. The early invention of the Model T led to Ford becoming one of the top producers of cars in the world. They have made many accomplishments on their way and strive to keep obtaining more.
Although the Model T wasn’t the first car made, it was the most affordable. The symbol of the automobile, which was thought to be only of the wealthy, has now turned into an item in almost every household in America. However, the Model T wasn’t the first generation. Ford made a handful of cars that would eventually make up the Model T. Ford took something from every model before and blended it beautifully to make the Model T. …show more content…

Its rugged capabilities and overall resilience made it so well known. You could use the Model T to drive throughout the city or out on the farm. You could take the Modle T out for a Sunday drive or hook up a plow to it and your fields would be done in one or two days rather than one or two weeks. That is what made it so famous, its versatility. Overseas people didn’t believe the rumors of the Model T. Even a Scottish car dealer challenged Ford to see if their Model T could reach the top of a mountain. Ford accepted the challenge. After five days and over 4,411 feet later, the Model T stood tall at the top of the mountain. This was only one time Ford did a publicity stunt for the Model T. For this reason alone, it changed how people transported anything around the

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