What Is The Theme Of I Have A Secret By Yoru Sumino

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Name:Luna Quiñonez Title: I Have a Secret Author:Yoru Sumino pgs:264 In I Have a Secret by Yoru sumino we go through the journey of 5 high schoolers trying to conceal their secrets, they each have powers that are connected towards emotions and think that no one else in the world has their power. In this response I will go through the relationship between two girls Looney and Mickey, Looney has the power to see people heart rates in 4 counts, being able to tell when someone’s heart speeds up or slows down while Mickey is able to see if people have negative feelings about her or positive through a representation of see-saw at their chests leaning one way or the other. The relationship between the two is interesting because although it’s mainly represented as a platonic relationship it’s implied by the author from the word choices and situation …show more content…

She does this by constantly clinging to him and calling him her “Prince” (there are examples of this all through the book). Although she acts interested in him she also openly admits multiple times how much she doesn’t like him and the reason for her acting like this, you can see this on page 149-150 when she’s having a conversation with zuka as she states “I didn’t want you hooking up with my beloved Miki-Chan. Thus I tried to make you like me. But alas, I never said a single word about me liking you.” Throughout the book Looney idolizes Mickey and Mickey Idolizes Looney, they are always near each other and encouraging each other to be their best selves, this is mainly shown in Mickey's chapter. Mickey's chapter, although mainly about her power, also showcases a school play that Looney directed and wrote and Mickey being the star of